April 10, 2012

He Said What . . . ?!

Miami Marlins manager Ozzie Guillen has never been mistaken with being 'tactful' or 'respectful' or 'smart' when it comes to opening his mouth. The fiery player turned skipper has offended every subculture, race, & lifestyle. Its in his nature. He's a blunt speaker with no shut down switch. But what he said two days ago to Time Magazine is irrehensable.

"I love Fidel Castro. I respect Fidel Castro. You know why? A lot of people have wanted to kill Fidel Castro for the last sixty years, but that fucker is still here."

Way to go, Ozzie. Do me a favor & look at that 'M' on your baseball cap. It stands for Miami. Out of the foreign population there, forty-five percent are from Cuba. Why so high a number? Because they fled the DICTATORSHIP of FIDEL CASTRO! Way to slap your prime fanbase in the face, Ozzie. A five-game suspension isn't enough here. Bud Selig needs to step in & pull a Roger Goodell & yank Ozzie out of the dugout for a year. Maybe then he'll start thinking before he speaks.

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