February 6, 2012

Finally! Its Over!

To me, the worst time to be a sports fan is the two weeks before the Super Bowl and the week after. There's nothing wrong with the game itself. Hell, its called America's Game for a reason & the one they played Sunday was good. Damn good. That said, the rest of it is mind-numbing.

You cannot watch ESPN the two weeks beforehand that magical Sunday. The network digs analysts out of the walls to dissect every aspect of the game. Who has the better pas rush? Who's quarterback is more elite? Which team has the better color scheme? How many first downs should we expect to see? If you had to pick, which team has more of a chance to eat more hamburgers? Okay, some of these are nonsense, but you get the point. ESPN will ignore the rest of the sporting world to talk about one game . . . in two weeks.

Injury news is also annoying during this span. Look at Rob Gronkowski's ankle. True, the injury played an important part of the game, but there where literally 'breaking news' about the status of the tight end's foot joint. My friends knew more about Gronk's busted ankle than the Occupy Pittsburghers getting evicted. Sad.

Now that the game is over, ESPN will over-analyze what happened. They'll play the 'what if' game & critize players for a mistake. Salt in the wound. Merril Hoge'll sy Eli is the best quarterback in the league when six months ago he wouldn't allow him into his top fifteen. Overflowing love for the Giants will pouring out of the television & stain your carpet. Then, they'll talk about if the Giant can repeat or how the Giant can get better in the draft. The draft! That's another story!

Ths is around the time when I cannot wait for NASCAR to start. Daytona 500 in thre weeks, baby!

Congradulations New York Giants

1 comment:

  1. They have the same damn color with exception one wants to be "shiny"!
