March 31, 2012

Miami Semana: The First Image

So I'm in Miami for a week (semana) with my fiancee Lindsey & our friend Ziggy for Wrestlemania 28. I'll give yins the scoop of the sports world in South Beach for the duration of our stay. It took nineteen straight hours (fourteen driven by yours truly), but we got here with spirits high & knees cramped. In the lobby of our hotel, there were three stacks of magazines free for the patrons on the desk. Two were about living & dining in Miami. The third was sports related & a complete epitome of culture down here:

Yup, that's major league outfielder Logan Morrison . . . dressed like the Little Mermaid's eccentric brother. The Miami Marlins have made waves this offseason by signing major players & dropping tons of flith. They also open a new stadium that's beautiful. Morrison isn't apart of the former (he was called-up last fall), but apparently he is a big deal down here. The Marlins are expected to do big things this season & fingers are pointing to Morrison to help make them happen. But this cover? It's . . . umm . . . what? We've seen this picture everywhere by the way. Yins guys like it?

1 comment:

  1. THIS is an eyesore. The Dolphin's stadium can stay if the state puts money towards tracking down all of these covers and burning them haha
